Little Footprints Nursery Fees
Little Footprints Nursery is open throughout the year except statutory bank holidays. Closing times may vary during Christmas and the New Year period every year. Advance notices will be displayed and letters given out to help parents make alternative arrangements or plans.
Our opening hours are from 07.00 - 19.00, Monday - Friday.
We offer full day care from birth, holiday, before and after school care for children.
Terms and Conditions
In order to maintain continuous care and development, we request that children attend a minimum of two part sessions or two full days per week. A retainer fee of £175.00 must be paid prior to commencement. Additional sessions can be booked in advance on a casual basis and will be charged accordingly.
Late pick ups will be charged at £5.00 for every 5 minutes.
Late payment will be subject to an additional charge of £20.00
Any absence through sickness or holidays will be payable in full and 1 calendar months notice is required for any child leaving the nursery.
We accept government funding for any eligible children, please speak with a manager to discuss rates. We will notify parents once their child has reached this stage. We also accept vouchers offered by some employers.
If parents are claiming child tax credit we ask for their national insurance number this is so that we are able to complete the required forms. If parents are claiming child credit and fees have not been paid, we would have to convey this information to the registered body and further action may be taken.
Childcare Vouchers
If your employer operates a childcare voucher scheme, you can save National Insurance and Income Tax. By registering for your employer's scheme, up to £55 a week can be deducted from your salary and used to provide childcare vouchers for the same amount. This amount, which is deducted from your gross salary, is then exempt from National Insurance and Income Tax.
NEG Funding For All 3 & 4 Year Olds
The Nursery Education Grant (NEG) is a government grant which funds all children aged 3 & 4 years old to have free education before they start school. This funding is not means tested and available to all children. The Early Learners' Nursery School Manager will apply for this funding on your behalf and the amount will be credited to your account.
Child Tax Credits
Nine out of ten families with children qualify. Families with children can claim Child Tax Credit if their income is no more than £58,175 a year (up to £66,350 if you have a child under one). How much you get depends on things like:
- how many children or qualifying young people live with you. You may get more if you care for a child under one
- if any child or young person is disabled
- your income
You don't have to be a parent either - anyone who's mainly responsible for a child can claim. If you share responsibility with someone else whom you live with as if you were married or civil partners, you must claim together whether you're married or civil partners or not. If you share responsibility with someone else who doesn't live with you, and the children or young people also live with them for part of the time, you need to decide between you who has main responsibility. Only the family member with main responsibility can claim Child Tax Credit.
The payment is made up of two elements:
- A family element paid to any family with at least one child and worth up to £545 (2008-2009 tax year)
- A child element paid for each child in the family and worth up to £2,085 (2008-2009 tax year)
Working Tax Credit
If you're in work but on low pay, you can apply for Working Tax Credit to top up your earnings. It includes a childcare element to help families who are working and spending money on childcare. You can claim this whether you're employed or self-employed and you may get extra if:
- you're a parent or responsible for one or more children or young people
- you pay for childcare
- you are disabled
- you're aged 50 or over
The childcare element of Working Tax Credit is aimed specifically at helping working parents with the cost of registered and approved childcare. This can pay up to 80% of childcare costs up to a limit of £175 per week if you are paying for one child and up to £300 per week for two or more children (meaning the most you can receive for the childcare element is £122.50 for one child or £210 for two or more children).
How To Claim
You can order a claim pack over the 'phone by calling the tax credits helpline on 0845 300 3900. For more information on eligibility and how to claim tax credits, you can visit www.taxcredits.inlandrevenue.gov.uk